Enrollment Information
Students (grades 6-12) can enroll in Golden Plains Schools by contacting the MS/HS at 785-687-3265 or the district office at 785-386-4559 or stopping by the office at 335 School Street in Rexford, Kansas, or the elementary school (pre-K-5th)  at 210 W. Sixth in Selden, Kansas or by calling 785-386-4560.  Below is information relevant to the current school year and enrollment forms. Have a great year!!

2024-2025 Approved Annual Calendar--amended 12/9/24

2024-2025 Pre-K-8 School Supply List (updated 7/8/24)
2024-2025 Meal Prices & Fees
2024-2025  Middle School/High School Class Schedule (as of 7/15/24-subject to updates)
2024-2025 Activity Schedule-updated 1/2/2025
2024-2025 Online Lunch Application
2024-2025 Student Handbook - English
2024-2025 Manual del Estudiante - EspaƱol

2024-2025 Activities Handbook
Code of Conduct for School Activities
2018 Athletic Handbook Review 08/12/18-video

School Physical Form-English
School Physical Form-Spanish
Kansas Communities That Care Parent Info
Internet Access Policy (approved 7/7/17)
Google/Chromebook Policy/Agreement (approved 7/7/17)
Student Authorized Internet Use Agreement Form
Field Trip Permission Form
Suicide Prevention Notice
Cell Phone Notice (7/31/18)